
Thesis Supervised: B.S. 27, M.S. 23, Ph.D 8

B.S. Students

  1. Jeff Hoff. PlaceMap: A User-Based Mapping Application. May 2006.
  2. Noel L. Campbell. Cell Phone Interruption Handler. May 2006.
  3. Michael Moon. Cell Phone Smart Store Interaction. May 2004.
  4. Jeremy Arnold. Smart Helmet. May 2003.
  5. Jean Bertho AlmonordVirtual Campus Platform. May 2003.
  6. Jessica Scott. Intelligent Juke Box. May 2003.
  7. Will Arora. Parasitic Power from the Expansion of the Human Chest During Respiration. Dec. 2002.
  8. Elizabeth Herbert. Smart Ballot Layout System. May 2002.
  9. Connie Mansim. Large Movement Detection in Eye. May 2001.
  10. Jessy Pavel. Music Ball. May 2001.
  11. Maggie Lee Oh. Intelligent Floor Imagery. Dec. 2000
  12. Anthony Pelosi. Eye-aRe BaseStation: Enhancing our Social Environment by Tracking Conversations. May 2001.

M.S. Students

  1. Cejana MacielProductivity and Engineering Reuse in Agile Crowdsourced Software Development. Aug. 2010.
  2. John Wetzel. Face Interface: A Methodology for Experimental Learning of Input Modalities. May 2007.
  3. Anthony Johnson. Mobile Essence: A Mobile non-invasive Platform for Meeting Notes Capture. June 2007.
  4. Hector Yuen. An Ad-Hoc Wireless Communication System. Sept. 2006.
  5. Matthew Hockenberry. Grounding for a Computational Model of Place Aug. 2006.
  6. Tomer Posner. Application of Lean Management Principles to Voting Systems. Dec. 2005
  7. Chia-Hsun Jackie Lee. Spatial User Interfaces: Augmenting Human Sensibilities in a Domestic Kitchen. July 2005.
  8. Leonardo BonanniDesign of Intelligent Interiors. June 2005.
  9. Sharon Cohen. Auditing Technology for Electronic Voting Machines. May 2005.
  10. Soyini Liburd. An N-version Electronic Voting System. May 2004.
  11. Napier Fuller. M a p N e x u s; Modelling Human Behavioral Patterns in Architectural Space to Enable Context-Aware Information Exchanges in a Wireless IntranetAug. 2003.
  12. Michael Rosenblatt. Building a Community of Contributors to an Invention Resource Database. Sept. 2003.
  13. Mansim Connie Cheng. The Design of Intelligent Cookware. Aug. 2003.
  14. Boris PaskalevNavigational and Delivery System in the USPS Conceptual Truck. May 2003.
  15. Taly Sharon. An Advanced Driver Warning Framework Incorporating Educational Warning. May 2003.
  16. Andrea LockerdUnderstanding Implicit Social Context in Electronic Communication. Sept. 2002.
  17. Surjit Patel. MediaConnector: A Gestalt Media Sharing System. Sept. 2002.
  18. Ernesto Arroyo. Arbitrating Interruption Modalities Using Ambient Displays. Aug. 2002.
  19. Florian Mueller. Sports Over a Distance for Social Bonding and Fun. Aug. 2002.
  20. Jorge Ulises Martinez Araiza. Wireless Transmission of Power for Sensors in Context Aware Spaces. May 2002.
  21. Shyam KrishnamoorthyMinerva: A Smart Video Assistant for the Kitchen. Sept. 2001.
  22. Michael Li. In Vision: a System Using Vision Patterns to Understand User Attention. Feb. 2001
  23. Neil Van Dyke. MindShare: Knowledge Sharing via Personalized Views on a Composite Ontology. Sept. 2000.
  24. Katherine BlocherAffective Social Quest (ASQ) Teaching Emotion Recognition with Interactive Media and Wireless Expressive Toys. June 1999.

Ph.D. Students

  1. Chihiro Suga, CMU, ECE, started Jan. 2013.
  2. Chia-Hsun (Jackie) Lee. Misunderstanding Detection: Externalizing and interpreting Autonomic Arousal in People Diagnosed With Autism, MIT, Media Arts and Sciences, June 2011.
  3. Rahul Rajan, CMU, ECE, started Sept. 2009.
  4. Priya Sundararajan, CMU, ECE, started Sept. 2009.
  5. Ernesto ArroyoImplicit Metrics of Activity and Attention, June 2007.
  6. Jacky Mallet. Eye Society: Building Intelligent Co-operative Networks of Smart Cameras. MIT, Media Arts and Sciences, Sept. 2005.
  7. Vadim GerasimovEvery Sign Of Life . MIT, Media Arts and Sciences, May 2003.
  8. Steve MascaroDesign and Analysis of Fingernail Sensors for Measurement of Fingertip Touch Force and Finger Posture. MIT, Mechanical Engineering, May 2002.
  9. Roger Pascal ChesnaisA Framework for Designing Constructionist Approaches To Community Centered Messaging, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT, Media Arts and Sciences, Sept. 1999.
  10. Wang Q. Michelle BaldonadoAn Interactive Structure Mediated Approach To Exploring Information In a Heterogeneous Distributed Environment. Stanford University, Computer Science, May 1998.
  11. Frankie James. Representing Structured Information in Audio Interfaces: A Framework for Selecting Audio Marking Techniques to Represent Document Structures. Stanford University, Computer Science, Jan. 1998.

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