
Ted’s efforts to make things

Sweet Feedback

Sweet Feedback is a programmable reward system that connects directly with your Mac to encourage you to do things… like saving energy or changing bad habits. It contains an Arduino microcontroller and multiple sensors that allow the user to program each machine however they see fit. This leads to many possible applications; so far, we have applied Sweet Feedback to various challenges, from rewarding children who do well on quizzes to monitoring and encouraging environmentally sustainable behavior in entire buildings.

You can see a quick demonstration of the machine in general here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfLj62Y0iW8

Link: http://sweetfeedback.com

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FoldiMate POC Dec 2012

World News Tonight ABC - 12_9_98
IBM Pointing Stick #1 - 10_25_91

Society is protecting each other.