Ted’s Other Publications

Dr. Ted Selker has around 60 other publications which covers research such as Boardroom voting, Accessible voting, Canopy climb- A rope interface, Making a Usable In-Keyboard Pointing Device: The TrackPoint II Story, Psychology and Neurophysiology.

  1. Finding Roles in a Team with Generative AI, Ted Selker and Berry Billingsley, Blog@Communications of the ACM, Dec 3 2024.
  2. Generative AI as an Icebreaker to Help Us Accept Other Ways of Thinking, Berry Billingsley and Ted Selker, Blog@Communications of the ACM, Oct 30 2024.
  3. Generative AI’s aggregated knowledge versus web-based curated knowledge, Ted Selker, Yunzi Wu, arXiv:2410.12091v1, Oct 15 2024.
  4. Using Generative AI to View Questions Through Different Academic Disciplines, Ted Selker and Berry Billingsley, Blog@Communications of the ACM, Sep 24 2024.
  5. The Promises and Possibilities of Scenarios We Can Create, Ted Selker and Berry Billingsley, Blog@Communications of the ACM, Aug 27 2024.
  6. AI for the Generation and Testing of Ideas Towards an AI Supported Knowledge Development Environment, Ted Selker, arXiv:2307.08876v1, July 17 2023.
  7. Peripheral Interaction: Challenges and opportunities for HCI in periphery of attention, Saskia Bakker, Doris Hausen, Elise van den Hoven, Edited book, Springer-Verlag, London Ltd. Apr 2016.
  8. Human-Computer Interaction and Public Policymaking Internationally; A Foundation for Understanding. Johnathon Lazar with Julio Abascal, Simone Barbosa, Jeremy Barksdale, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Janet Davis, Renee Dopplick, Batya Friedman, Jens Grossklags, Jan Gulliksen, Alan Hedge, Harry Hochheiser Jeff Johnson, Clayton H Lewis, Tom McEwan, Loïc Martínez Normand, Wibke Michalk, Lisa Nathan, Juan Pablo Fabio Paternò, Blake Reid, Ted Selker Janice Tsai, Whitney Quesenbery Gerrit van der Veer, Hans von Axelson, Ake Walldius, Brian Wentz Gill Whitney, Marco Winckler, Volker Wulf. Foundations and Trends® Human–Computer Interaction: Vol. 9: 2016, http://dx.doi.org/ Forthcoming.
  9. SweetBuildingGreeter: A Demonstration of Persuasive Technology for Public Space. Author(s): Ted Selker, Shih-Yuan Yu, Che-Wei Liang, Jane Hsu.Invited Paper. Proceedings HCI International, LA CA, AUG 2015
  10. Polling Place Support Tool; User Interface to Plan and Run Polling Places. Ted Selker, Shama Hoque. Invited Paper. Proceedings HCI International, LA CA, AUG 2015
  11. Research On Accessible Voting. Ted Selker, Dan Gillette, Linda Avendano, Shama Hoque, Kate Liu, Minh Pham, Mike Vroomen. Final Report to US Government Election Assistance Commission, July 2014. http://researchinaccessiblevoting.bitbucket.org/.
  12. 15 Android Product Development course posters. Mobicase, Oct. 2010.
  13. A Secure Architecture for Voting Electronically (SAVE). Jonathan Goler, Edwin Selker. Chapter in Towards Trustworthy Elections, Springer-Verlag, 2010.
  14. Meeting Essence II: Capturing the Important Moments of a Meeting. Shoou-Jong Yu, Ted Selker. Proceedings of, HotMobile 2010, Annapolis, MD. Feb. 2010.
  15. The Technology of Access: Allowing People of Age to Vote for Themselves. Ted Selker. McGeorge law Review No. 4, Vol. 38, pp. 1113-1136, 2009.
  16. The Art and Science of Studying Election Fraud – Detection, Prevention, and Consequences, edited by Michael Alvarez, Thad E. Hall, and Susan D. Hyde. Brookings.(Chapter by Ted Selker) Fall 2008.
  17. Fostering Motivation and Creativity for Computer Users. Ted Selker. Proceedings of NSF CreativeIT Workshop at Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ. http://swiki.cs.colorado.edu:3232/CreativeIT/205, Jan. 2008.
  18. User Experience, Technology, and Fraud Prevention in Voting Systems. Ted Selker. VTP Election Fraud Workshop, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, Sept. 2006.
  19. A Mindset for User-Centered Spatial Applications. Ted Selker, Matthew Hockenberry, Jeff Hoff, Rob Gens. Cognitive Processing, Vol. 7, pp. 49-51, Sept. 2006.
  20. Voter Removal from Registration List Based on Name Matching is Unreliable. Ted Selker, Alexander Bauer. Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project Working Paper #32, Jan. 2006.
  21. North Carolina Voting System Hardware Certification Report. Ted Selker, Dec. 2005.
  22. An Active Approach to Voting Verification. Ted Selker, Sharon Cohen. Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project Working Paper #28, http://vote.caltech.edu/media/documents/wps/vtp_wp28.pdf , May 2005.
  23. Letter: Ted Selker. Scientific American, p. 7, Feb. 2005.
  24. Who Does Better with A Big Interface? Improving Voting Performance of Reading for Disabled Voters. Ted Selker, Jonathan Goler, Lorin Wilde. Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project Working Paper #24, Feb. 2005.
  25. Orienting Graphical User Interfaces Reduces Errors: The Low Error Voting Interface. Ted Selker, Matt Hockenberry, Jonathan Goler, Shawn Sullivan. Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project Working Paper #23, Feb. 2005.
  26. Design Principles for Tools to Support Creative Thinking. Mitchel Resnick, Brad Myers, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Ben Shneiderman, Randy Pausch, Ted Selker, Mike Eisenberg. Creativity Support Tools A workshop Sponsored by the NSF, pp. 25-36, Washington, DC, Sept. 2005.
  27. Touch-Screen Voting Should Be a Help. Ted Selker. New York Newsday, Oct. 10, 2004.
  28. Process Can Improve Electronic Voting: A Case Study of an Election. Ted Selker. Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project Working Paper #19, Oct. 2004.
  29. Old Voting Technologies: Problems and Improvements. Scientific American, Sept. 2004.
  30. The Voter Verifiable Audio Audit Transcript Trail (VVAATT). Ted Selker. Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project Working Paper #18, Sept. 2004.
  31. The SAVE System: Secure Architecture for Voting Electronically Existing Technology, with Built-in Redundancy, Enables Reliability. Ted Selker, Jonathan Goler. Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project Working Paper #12, Jan. 2004.
  32. Ireland First Report of the Commission on Electronic Voting, appendix C; Evaluation of Voting Machine, Peripherals and Software. Richard Sinnott, Ted Selker, Bil Lewis, Brendan Whenlan, James Williams, James McBride. May 2004.
  33. Security Vulnerabilities and Problems with Voter Verifiable Paper Trail. Ted Selker, Jonathan Goler. Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project Working Paper #16, April 2004.
  34. Certification and Voting Software: Position Statement. Ted Selker. Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project Working Paper #15, April 2004.
  35. Canopy Climb: A Rope Interface. Win Burleson, Ted Selker. Proceedings of The SIGGRAPH 2003 Sketches and Applications, San Diego, CA, p. 1, July 2003.
  36. DriftCatcher: Enhancing Social Networks through Email. Andrea Lockerd, Ted Selker. International Sunbelt Social Networks Conference XXII: Understanding, Recognizing, and Enhancing Online Communication Networks, Feb. 2002.
  37. Voting – What Was, What Could Be. R. Michael Alvarez, S. Ansolabehere, Eric Antonsson, Suki Bruck, Steve Graves, Tom Palfrey, Ron Rivest, Ted Selker, Alex Slocum, Charles S. Stewart. Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project, July 2001.
  38. Context-Aware Design and Interaction in Computer Systems: Media Bed. Ted Selker, Winslow Burleson. Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium Socially Intelligent Agents – The Human in the Loop, Sept. 2000.
  39. Research Report: A Look at Human Interaction with Pervasive Computers. Wendy Ark, Ted Selker. IBM RC 10154, Aug. 1999.
  40. Style and Function of Graphic Tools. Ted Selker. Proceedings of 1999 Graphics Interface Conference, Kingston, Ontario Canada, pp. 123-131, June 2-4, 1999.
  41. Cognitive Adaptive Computer Help (COACH), A Case Study. Ted Selker. Chapter in Advances in Computers, Vol. 47, M Zelkowitz, Editor, Elsevier Press, pp. 69–137, 1998.
  42. A Conversation with Ted Selker. Kate Ehrlich. Interactions, Vol. 4, No.5, pp. 34-47, Sept.-Oct. 1997.
  43. AIM: A New Approach for Meeting Information Needs. Robert C Barret, Ted Selker. IBM RC 9983, Oct. 1995.
  44. Negative Intertia: A Dynamic Pointing Function. Robert C. Barret, Ted Selker. IBM RC 9944, March 1995.
  45. Finding What I Am Looking For: An Information Retrieval Agent. Robert C. Barret, Edwin .J. Selker. IBM RC 9816, May 1994.
  46. Making a Usable In-Keyboard Pointing Device: The TrackPoint II Story. Ted Selker. IBM RC 9700, Feb. 1994.
  47. A Long, Thin Flexible Transformer. Ted Selker, Jason M. Jacobs. IBM RC 83542, Oct. 1993.
  48. TrackPoint II: The In-Keyboard Pointing Device. Ted Selker, Joe Rutledge. IBM Personal Systems Technical Solutions, pp. 16-17, Jan. 1993.
  49. Intelligent Tutor Systems: Limitations of Current Representations. Ted Selker, F.N. Linton. IBM RC 17584, Jan. 1992.
  50. A Framework for Proactive Interactive Adaptive Computer Help. Ted Selker. IBM RC 17597, Jan. 1992.
  51. Finger Force Precision for Computer Pointing. Ted Selker, Joe Rutledge. IBM RC 17342, Oct. 1991.
  52. Demonstrating Usability Improvements in Automatically Presented Adaptive Help. Ted Selker, Kevin Goroway. IBM RC 16910, May 1991.
  53. Graphics as Visual Language. Ted Selker, Art Appel. Chapter in Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 9, Elsevier Science Publishers BV, pp. 825-855, April 1991.
  54. Visual Elements Workspace (VIEW) Scenario. Ted Selker. IBM RC 15513, Feb. 1990.
  55. Room with a View (RWAV): A Metaphor for Interactive Computing. Larry Koved, Ted Selker. IBM RC 10809, Jan. 1990.
  56. Algebraic Types and Object Oriented Programming. Eric Wagner, Ted Selker, Joe Rutledge. 6th Workshop on Specification of Abstract Data Types, Berlin, Germany, Aug. 29-Sept. 2, 1988.
  57. A High Tech, High Security Employee Identification Badge. David Smith, Ted Selker. IBM RC 13135, Sept. 1987.
  58. Psychology and Neurophysiology. Harlyn Baker, Ted Selker. In Survey of Stereo Mapping Systems and Related and Supporting Techniques and Literature, Stanford AI Report, pp. 196-219, 1982.
  59. Paired Associative Memory: A Simplified Semantic Network LTM Model and Distributed Neural Implementation.Ted Selker. Coins Technical Report #81-20, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Sept. 1981.
  60. An Image Based Focusing System: An Alternative for Cameras, A Model of Eye Accommodation. Ted Selker. Coins Technical Report #81-19, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Sept. 1981.

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