
Ted’s efforts to make things

Fourth Annual NPUC Workshop

August 22, 1996

Agents and Desktops on the Web
USER System Ergonomics Lab, IBM Almaden Research Center

The invention of the ball-point pen allowed writing on any surface. Its introduction allowed us to write with ink while standing in a crowd and to simplify our office desktops. Work often represents the ability to focus and concentrate while keeping relevant information on-hand and coming in. As technology continues to evolve, our approach to concentrating will change as well. How can we arrange to notice and work with people and documents that represent opportunities?
This talk will focus on Room With a View, Web Browser Intelligence and other physical and agent approaches to creating the tools that will replace pen, paper, and desks.


Fifth Annual NPUC Workshop

Thursday, July 24, 1997

Relationships, Things and Communication
USER System Ergonomics Lab, IBM Almaden Research Center

In 1997, Ted delivered a presentation addressing the facilitative role of Interactive Interfaces in enhancing accessibility and utilization of system functions. The subject of his talk was “Relationships, Objects, and Communication.” He elaborated on the significant transformative shift in internet infrastructure, highlighting its profound societal impact. Ted emphasized the remarkable potency of these changes, underscoring their far-reaching consequences. He also illustrated the transformative effect of cellphones on his personal daily routines.


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