
  1. De Volgen-De Fase Van Online Design, EMERCE, 36 Feb. 2014.
  2. The Big Chill. Saveur Magazine, April 2010
  3. Voting Procedures Lessons from 2000 Election: a Guide for 2008. MIT Spectrum, Winter 2008.
  4. Ten Cool Kitchen Innovations. DiscoveryTech, Dec. 2008.
  5. Ted Selker on Innovation. ODBMS Industry Watch, Oct. 2008.
  6. MIT Prof Shows off Robot Dogs, Wallet Computers, Wearable TechWired Gadget Lab. April 2008.
  7. Computers for the peopleCNet April 22, 2008.
  8. Gadgets for Your Future Kitchen., Feb. 11, 2008.
  9. Panel affirms District 13 election results, Sarasota Herald Tribune. Feb. 9, 2008.
  10. As Promised Potholes. Freepress Current Politics and News. March 3, 2007.
  11. MIT Design Selker Maeda. Intelligent Times, cover story, pp. 54-59, Mar, 2007.
  12. Bye, Bye Computer Mouse. World and News, March 3, 2007.
  13. Paper Trail Difficult To Blaze., Feb. 15, 2007.
  14. Kitchen of the Future Interview. Martha Stewart “Living with Technology,” Sept. 26, 2006.
  15. Best of Show: ID’s Annual Design Review. Best Category: Equipment, Stingray Connector. (slideshow) BusinessWeek Online, July/Aug. 22, 2006.
  16. How Sex Sells on Dinner Plates. ID Magazine, June 2006.
  17. Spoon! Intelligent Spoon. Gizmodo, April 13, 2006.
  18. Kitchen of the Future Demonstration. Martha Stewart Living. March 2006.
  19. Today’s Kitchen of Tomorrow. Fast Company, Jan., 2006.
  20. Profile. Axis, Vol. 116, p. 38, Aug. 2005.
  21. Headphones as Key to Voting Reform. Science, June 27, 2005.
  22. US E-Voting Proponents Say No to Paper Trails. New Scientist, June 22, 2005
  23. Even the Kitchen Sink. The Boston Globe, May 4, 2005.
  24. Tech 2005 – What’s New and What’s Next. PC World, Feb. 2, 2005.
  25. Scientists Take Center Stage in U.S. Election Reform. Washington Focus, Jan. 2005.
  26. Weird Wireless; the Sputmic Microphone Concept. Gizmag
  27. “Hope for E-Voting.” The Brian Lehrer Show. Dec. 22, 2004.
  28. Selker Reflects on 2004 Election. MIT News Office, Dec. 2, 2004.
  29. Spray-On Baby Clothes. The New York Times Magazine, p. 92, Nov. 29, 2004
  30. Young and Very Inventive. The New York Times Magazine, p. 126, Nov. 29, 2004.
  31. Problem: Too Much Dirty Laundry. (slideshow) New York Times on the web, Nov. 24, 2004
  32. The Real Problem with Voting. Technology Review, Nov. 17, 2004.
  33. Thumbs Up for E-Voting in US. New Scientist, Nov. 13, 2004.
  34. 2004 Scientific American 50 Awards. Scientific American, Nov. 11, 2004.
  35. Touch –Screen Voting Faces Biggest Test. ABC News, Nov. 2, 2004.
  36. Electronic Voting Glitches Reported. Newsday, Nov. 2, 2004.
  37. The Big Election Beta Test. CNET News, Nov. 1, 2004.
  38. E-Voting Software Raises Questions. CRM Daily, Nov. 1, 2004.
  39. Internet Voting: What Are We Waiting For? Business 2.0, Oct. 29, 2004
  40. Electronic Voting: The Latest News. Washington Post, Oct. 29, 2004.
  41. Nov. 2: The Biggest Test Yet for Touch-Screen Voting. Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 29, 2004.
  42. Voting Methods Under Close Watch. CNN, Oct. 26, 2004.
  43. Record Suggests Electronic Voting Best Bet for Accurate Count. Florida Sun-Sentinel, Oct. 25, 2004.
  44. Electronic Voting Raises New Issues. Washington Post, Oct. 25, 2004.
  45. Final Presidential Charge Begins. CNN Interview, Oct. 23, 2004.
  46. Kerry Battles for Votes in Swing States. Lou Dobbs Tonight, CNN, Oct. 22, 2004.
  47. Touch-Screen Voting Should Be a Help. Newsday, Oct. 10, 2004.
  48. The Great American E-voting Experiment. Analysis: New Scientist, Oct. 4, 2004.
  49. MIT Professor Confident November’s Election Will Be on the Level. Boston Herald, Oct. 1, 2004.
  50. A Touchy Election Issue., Sept. 30, 2004.
  51. Cooking Up a Digital Future. British Broadcasting Company News Online, Aug. 31, 2004.
  52. Several Million Deprived of Voting Rights Again? Kansas City Infozine, Aug. 25, 2004.
  53. Rush to Absentee Ballots May Magnify Trouble. Palm Beach Post, Aug. 2, 2004.
  54. Is Staff the Achilles Heel at Polls? St. Petersburg Times, Aug. 1, 2004.
  55. Bike, Meet Brain. Bicycling Magazine, July 2004.
  56. Voting Reform—Not Ready for Nov. The Boston Phoenix, July 23-29, 2004.
  57. Charles Ogletree and Ted Selker Discuss Legal and Technical Challenges of the Electoral Process. The Tavis Smiley Show, National Public Radio, July 20, 2004.
  58. Is E-Voting Safe? PC World, June 2004.
  59. E-Democracy: The Lowdown on E-Voting. CIO, June 1, 2004.
  60. Kitchens of the Future. Discovery Canada, May 25, 2004.
  61. Profile: Voting Machines. Morning Edition, National Public Radio, May 6, 2004.
  62. Kitchens of the Future. Metropolis, April 2004.
  63. Re-Booting the Ballot Box. The Connection, National Public Radio, April 26, 2004.
  64. Spin interview: Damien O’Meara and Ted Selker Discuss Credits Cards and Payment Authorization Using Radio Tags. Radio 1038, Dublin, Ireland, April 5, 2004.
  65. Electronic Voting Alternative Offered. San Jose Mercury News, April 1, 2004.
  66. Credit Cards Tap into Radio Tags. BBC News Online, April 1, 2004.
  67. Interview with Eileen Dempsey Discussing Voting Machine Technology. WNBR, Feb., 2004.
  68. Electronic Vote Faces Big Test of Its Security. New York Times, Feb. 28 2004.
  69. Sparks Fly in E-Voting Debate. MSNBC Technology and Science, Feb. 16, 2004.
  70. Concerns over US Computer Voting. BBC News, Feb. 15, 2004.
  71. Opponents of Change a Threat to Electronic Voting. San Jose Mercury News, Feb. 13, 2004.
  72. Chips with Everything. The Guardian, Feb. 2, 2004.
  73. Report Says Internet Voting System Is Too Insecure to Use. New York Times, Jan. 21, 2004.
  74. Kitchens of the Future. Food Network, Jan. 18, 2004.
  75. Cars That Nudge You to Drive More Safely. New York Times, Dec. 26, 2003.
  76. E-Voting Critics Grow Louder. PC World, Dec. 15, 2003.
  77. Criticism of Electronic Voting Machines’ Security Is Mounting. IDG News Service, Dec. 12, 2003.
  78. 21st Century Science: Ubiquitous Computing. Korean Broadcasting System, Oct. 24, 2003.
  79. Replacing the Checkout Line. The Boston Globe, Oct. 17, 2003.
  80. Another Case of Electronic Vote-Tampering?, Sept. 29, 2003.
  81. Campaigning for Computerized Voting. MIT Technology Review, Sept. 2003.
  82. Driving Chrysler’s Concepts. Global Vehicles, Sept. 8, 2003.
  83. On the Edge: The Eyes Have It., Sept. 8 2003
  84. Jolted Over Electronic Voting. Washington Post, Aug. 11, 2003.
  85. Haben Bald Sensoren das Sagen? Automobile Revue, Aug. 3, 2003.
  86. Professor Gadget. MIT Technology Review, July-Aug. 2003. Washington Post, Aug. 11, 2003.
  87. Smart Rooms. Computerworld, July 8, 2003.
  88. Postal Truck Gets the MIT Treatment. Mass High Tech, June 23-29, 2003.
  89. Your Blink Is My Command: New Technology Can Have Appliances Reading Your Thoughts. ABC, June 13, 2003.
  90. Minding Your Business: Humanizing Gadgetry to Tame the Flood of Information. Science News, May 3, 2003.
  91. This New House. People Magazine 30th Anniversary Issue, pp. 266 -267, April 12, 2003.
  92. Basic Science Takes Back Seat to the Bottom Line. The Journal News, March 28 2003.
  93. TX– ES & S Touchscreen Voting Machines – Can They be Easily Manipulated? Brad Messer Radio Show AM 550, San Antonio, Texas, Feb. 14, 2003.
  94. Interview. WCCO Radio City, 2002.
  95. After the Fall: Help for Climbers. Wired Magazine, Dec., 2002.
  96. MIT’s Context Aware Computing Group Takes RFID Beyond Identification. RFID Journal, Dec. 23, 2002.
  97. Cambridge Pilots New MIT ‘Smart Truck’. Boston Globe, Nov. 2002.
  98. MIT Counter Intelligence Group Cooks Up Kitchen of the Future. Wall Street Journal, Nov. 20, 2002.
  99. Coolest Inventions: Pass the Mike. Time Magazine, Nov. 18, 2002.
  100. The Intimate Machine: Getting to Know Us. Scientific American Frontiers, Oct. 22, 2002
  101. Who Counts: Election Reform in America. Public Broadcasting System TV, Oct. 17, 2002.
  102. From HardWare to SoftForm, Archi-Tectonics, Winka Dubbledam. Sept. 13, 2002.
  103. User Interfaces: See Me, Hear Me. Computerworld, Aug. 26, 2002
  104. May I Have Your Attention Please? Rediff Guide to the Net, June 27, 2002.
  105. Sleep with Your Computer. Good Morning America, ABC News, April 10, 2002.
  106. Digital Attention Deficit…erm, What Was I saying? Site for Life, Feb. 25, 2002.
  107. Web Turns People into Goldfish. The Inquirer, Feb. 22, 2002.
  108. ‘Smart’ Kitchens A Long Way Off. Forbes, Dec. 21, 2001.
  109. Follow the Cheese. BBC News Online: Sci/Tech, Sept. 10, 2001.
  110. Reading Your Mouse Movements. BBC News, Sept. 10, 2001.
  111. IBM Mania Research. TrackPoint. Sept. 9, 2001.
  112. A Conversation About The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Wired, Sept. 2001.
  113. Elections-Reform Plan Must Start at State Level. Courier Post Online, Aug. 5, 2001
  114. Computers Best Suited to Count All the Votes. Courier Post, July 22, 2001.
  115. IBM: Looking Back on 15 Years at Almaden. San Jose Mercury News, Monday, June 18, 2001.
  116. Quand l’Informatique Devinera vos Pensees. Future(s). June 7, 2001.
  117. Does Design Really Matter? Cover article, Wired, Jan. 2001.
  118. Interview with Linda Cashdan & Ted Selker. Voice of America Radio: 2001.
  119. Working Around the Clock. ABC World News Tonight, Dec. 17, 2000.
  120. VCs Want to Turn PARC Green. Red Herring. Timberline VC. Oct. 27, 2000.
  121. Burning Man a Test for Art Tech. Wired News, Sept. 1, 2000.
  122. Lab Rat: Ted Selker’s New Bully Pulpit. Red Herring, July 13, 2000.
  123. Sleep With a Computer. Upside, Feb. 2000.
  124. Was It Virtually Good for You? Newsweek, Jan. 1, 2000.
  125. My Computer, My Self. Intelligent Enterprise, Nov. 16, 1999.
  126. Will the Kitchen Please Shut Up! Smithsonian, p. 56, Sept. 1999.
  127. Smart Mitt Talks Back. Home Textiles Today, Sept. 6, 1999.
  128. Computers May Ease Life’s Vexations. San Francisco Chronicle, July 26, 1999.
  129. The Future Feel of Tools and Brands. IBM Charlotte Newsletter, Summer 1999.
  130. At the Media Lab, Cooking with Cache. New York Times, pp. D1, D12, Feb. 18, 1999.
  131. Large Chinese Picture-Strewn Inventing. Ming Pao Daily News, Beijing, China, Dec. 16, 1998.
  132. Large Chinese Picture-Strewn Pervasive Computing. Ming Pao Daily News, Beijing, China, Dec. 9 1998.
  133. Dr. Selker’s Vision on How the Computer Shapes our Future. Apple Daily News, Beijing, China, Dec. 7, 1998.
  134. High Tech Comes Home. Upside, David Corsey’s Showcase, p. 40, Nov. 1998.
  135. Cultivating Innovation. San Jose Mercury News, Sunday Magazine, Oct. 25, 1998.
  136. Interview about the Future. Nikkei Computer – Japan, Oct. 15, 1998.
  137. Climbing Big Blue’s Peaks. The Australian, Sept. 29, 1998.
  138. Electronic Wallet Tackles Battle of the Pocket Bulge. The Sydney Morning Herald, Sept. 29, 1998.
  139. IBM Web Sites are Looking Good. The Sydney Morning Herald, p. 48, Sept. 22, 1998.
  140. L’Ordinateur Individuel; Ted Selker, L’ordinateur Fera Tout Mieux Que l’homme! Sept. 1998.
  141. TrackPoint Feature. Equip Magazine, p. 68, Sept. 1998.
  142. Let The Eyes Surf The Net. London Times, Aug. 16, 1998.
  143. L Machines Meet Man Halfway. Upside, p. 58, Aug. 1998.
  144. Eye-Opening Gizmos. San Francisco Chronicle, pp. C1, C3, July 17, 1998.
  145. Technology’s Thinkers Get Daring At Intellectual Circus. San Jose Mercury News, July 17, 1998.
  146. High Computing Lab Notes. IBM Research, No. 3, 1998.
  147. What Your Computer Says About You. IBM Research Magazine, Vol.36, No. 1&2, 1998.
  148. IBM Unveils Line. Gannett Newspapers, Sept. 16, 1997.
  149. Leaving the Desktop Behind. San Jose Mercury News, July 26, 1997.
  150. More Power to Go. Byte, July 1997.
  151. Rebel Without A Pause. Corporate Rebels cover article, WIRED Magazine, pp. 170-181, May 1997.
  152. Ou va l’Interface Utilisateur? Informatiques Magazine, April 1997.
  153. The Future of Hand-Held Devices: IBM Style. PC Magazine, p. 152, March 25, 1997.
  154. It’s Easy to be Difficult. Information Week, March 17, 1997.
  155. 50 R & D Stars to Watch. Information Week, Dec. 16, 1996.
  156. How the Vision Thing Really Works. Los Angeles Times, Dec. 2, 1996.
  157. From Vision to Product: IBM Research Closes Gap. Investor’s Business Daily, p. A8, Oct. 8, 1996.
  158. Kamera von der Stirn. WirtschaRswoche, p. 204, Oct. 10, 1996.
  159. IBM’s Thinkman. Boot Magazine, pp. 39-43, Oct. 1996.
  160. Should Computer’s Coddle Rather than Hurl Criticism? Investor’s Business Daily, Sept. 3, 1996.
  161. The Elements of Design. BYTE, pp. 1-8, Aug. 1996.
  162. Passing Thoughts From the Stupidest Guy in the Room. San Jose Mercury News, Aug. 25, 1996.
  163. Making Computers Disappear: Why Should We Have Them? Business Week, pp. 118-119, June 24, 1996.
  164. The Interview: Where is the user interface headed? OEM Magazine, pp. 32-37, April 1996.
  165. Scenarios Pour Ordinateurs à Venir. La Recherché Special, March 1996.
  166. Prolonged Use May Cause Slide Effects. Financial Review (Australia), March 7, 1996.
  167. Presentation Perfect. Inc. Technology, No. 3, p. 90, 1996.
  168. Keep the Clutter Creative. Think No. 1, p. 11, 1996.
  169. Now Presenting…The Big Picture: Technology Forum, ThinkPad 755CDV and 755CV. Information Week, pp. 125 – 130, Nov. 13, 1995.
  170. Mind Behind the Machine. Information Week advertisement, p. 131, Nov. 13, 1995.
  171. IBM’s Point(er) Man. Information Week, Oct. 16, 1995.
  172. I Can See What You Mean. Byte, Oct. 1995.
  173. Presentation Quality. BYTE, p. 233, Sept. 1995.
  174. IBM Researchers in the Spotlight: Ted Selker Ph.D. Multimedia Today, July-Sept., p. 31, 1995.
  175. IBM’s ThinkPad 755CV Projects a New Image. PC Magazine, p. 39, July 1995.
  176. Abstractionist Practically Reinvents the Keyboard. The Wall Street Journal, pp. B1, B5, March 6, 1995.
  177. State of the Art Baby Steps. BYTE Magazine, pp. 97-100, March 1995.
  178. Experts Try to Deal with Internet’s Growth. San Jose Mercury News, pp. 1F, 4F, Aug. 30, 1994.
  179. Silent Partners. PC/Computing, May 1994.
  180. SAl Agents: Demons or Angels? UPSIDE, p. 30, Feb. 1994.
  181. IBM Points a New Way. Electronic Engineering Times, Oct. 1991.

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